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Make up class Policies
We do offer make ups for classes that you must miss during our September through May session. (We do not prorate or credit for missed classes during our Sept through May session except for starting partway through a payment period or advance notice of unenrolling mid session. Summer makeup information differs slightly. See below, or ask us)
*Make ups may be scheduled by calling 717-354-6633, emailing positivefitness@frontier.com or stopping at the desk at PFG
*You have 3 weeks after missing a class to schedule a make up in a class of the same level. You do not have to have the class made up by then but it must be scheduled
*After 3 weeks, if no class has been scheduled, the absence is no longer eligible for make up. We do not offer credit for missed classes.
*There will be 2 make up spots available in classes of 24-25 students, and 3 in other classes, available on a first come first served basis
*If you know you will be missing a class in the future, you may schedule your makeup before that class.
*Please make sure you have confirmation of your make up day and time before expecting to come to class. We may have last minute openings but they are not guaranteed.
*summer classes do not offer makeup options due to limited schedule)- please notify desk staff BEFORE each 4-week summer-session payment is due to request prorated tuition for classes you will not be able to attend.
Looking forward to seeing all our gymnasts!!
PFG Staff